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We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this focal point helps us ensure that our participants are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are invested in actively focusing on the development of character and wholeness.


Most of our efforts pertaining to this program involve exposing participants to new approaches and developing innovative ways to implement them. A scholar has a personal driving search for improving human knowledge. This requires a discerning mind with the willingness to pursue issues that are not necessarily in line with – or even acceptable to – the current views.


Communities enjoy benefits far beyond the financial aspects when youth contribute to service projects. When youth volunteer, adults tend to volunteer also, resulting in a life long volunteer. The community gains a generation of young people who care about where they live and are willing to make a commitment to improvement.


Communicating with young people in any way involves a number of key elements:
• understanding the audience 
• segmenting the audience
• developing message/communication content
• choosing appropriate communication mediums
Due to technological advancements, we are committed to teaching our participants effective communication that can be applied in traditional forms, such as written or verbal communication, or modern forms, such as text, social media, etc.


Broth-er-hood: (noun) The shared struggle of becoming a man.
Our participants are guided with sincerity and wisdom as they transition from boy to man, to cross over from an age of irresponsibility and selfish desires into an age of responsibility and impact. Brotherhood is the bond that is built through the shared struggle of becoming men.  We encourage them to cultivate genuine relationships with each other so that they may transition together in brotherhood towards manhood.

What We Do: Programs
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